I just heard some really, super exciting news about the temple. I don't want to talk about it here because I do regard it as sacred, but I will just say, I cried and cried when I heard the news. I can't wait to go.
Whenever the temple changes, there are always people that get frustrated and say God is unchangeable, and so why do things change so much in the church. I do believe God is unchangeable, however, humans are VERY changeable. As a parent, I know that all three of my children have very different personalities and needs. As a home school mom, I know my oldest daughter loves structure and check boxes. She loves getting things done. My second child, needs to MOVE. Constantly. Or no learning happens. Personally, my character isn't changing and WHAT I am teaching isn't changing but HOW I am teaching changes according to the needs of my little ones. I think that is one way to look at changes through out gospel history.
I also think our Heavenly Parents are hearing their daughters now who are aching for understanding. Aching to feel important. Aching to know more about their role and power as women. I think a loving prophet is listening to us, and talking to Heavenly Father about what to do and how to help women today, in this day and age, feel loved, heard, and valued and how to help us recognize our power. I am sure he is talking to God about what is culture and tradition versus what is doctrine, so we can weed out all the extra stuff and focus on truth.
I feel so grateful that I am part of a church with continuing revelation. Isn't that amazing? God is still speaking to us. He is still guiding his children to learn more truth. It makes me think of the ninth article of faith, "We believe all that God has revealed, all that he does now reveal and we believe that he will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God."
This past year and now the temple changes have shown me that a loving God is STILL revealing many great and important things to us. And I am so excited to see what He has in store for us yet!
And I am SO excited to attend the temple tomorrow and learn more about who I really am, and who I can really become.
Whenever the temple changes, there are always people that get frustrated and say God is unchangeable, and so why do things change so much in the church. I do believe God is unchangeable, however, humans are VERY changeable. As a parent, I know that all three of my children have very different personalities and needs. As a home school mom, I know my oldest daughter loves structure and check boxes. She loves getting things done. My second child, needs to MOVE. Constantly. Or no learning happens. Personally, my character isn't changing and WHAT I am teaching isn't changing but HOW I am teaching changes according to the needs of my little ones. I think that is one way to look at changes through out gospel history.
I also think our Heavenly Parents are hearing their daughters now who are aching for understanding. Aching to feel important. Aching to know more about their role and power as women. I think a loving prophet is listening to us, and talking to Heavenly Father about what to do and how to help women today, in this day and age, feel loved, heard, and valued and how to help us recognize our power. I am sure he is talking to God about what is culture and tradition versus what is doctrine, so we can weed out all the extra stuff and focus on truth.
I feel so grateful that I am part of a church with continuing revelation. Isn't that amazing? God is still speaking to us. He is still guiding his children to learn more truth. It makes me think of the ninth article of faith, "We believe all that God has revealed, all that he does now reveal and we believe that he will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God."
This past year and now the temple changes have shown me that a loving God is STILL revealing many great and important things to us. And I am so excited to see what He has in store for us yet!
And I am SO excited to attend the temple tomorrow and learn more about who I really am, and who I can really become.
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