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Showing posts from 2018

The Book is Good

I finished the Book of Mormon challenge today. Barely made it! In October our church had a big conference and our prophet who leads the church challenged all the women to read the Book of Mormon (our companion scripture to the Bible) by the end of the year. It's 531 pages. I like a good challenge so I accepted it and finished up today. (I got super behind but lucky for me my baby has been a horrible sleeper the past few weeks so it meant a lot of middle of the night reading. Yay!) Anyway, it was good. Yes there are some weird things in the Book of Mormon that I don't get (like, why do certain parts sound exactly like the same translation we have King James bible? Or what is going on with all the skin color changes or lack there of according to wickedness or righteousness? I am hoping that one was just what FAIR says-an expression like "thick skinned" or something. Not sure.) There are some pretty weird things I don't get in the Bible as well (eh hem, the bald

The me right now

I think this is like the 20th or more blog that I've attempted. I keep trying to go with a theme, but then I trail off because my brain doesn't want to stick with a theme. It's all over the place. So this blog is just dedicated to whatever comes to my mind. I know the name is a little weird, it's the only one I could think of with the word "thinking" in it (or something like that) that wasn't taken. Maybe I'll change it one day if I can think of a catchier title. When I was a kid, writing was everything to me. I loved writing in my journal, writing stories, letters, everything. The busyness of being an adult/mom has pulled me away from my love of writing. But my anxiety is pulling me back. Somewhere I read a great way to fight anxiety and burn out is to go back to what you loved when you were a kid. So here I am. As I was gearing up to finally start this blog, I stumbled upon several of my other blogs. It's weird to read because I am in such a